An Open Letter to President Lai Ching-te (赖清德) and Speaker Han Kuo-yu (韩国瑜) On Cross-Strait Peace and Passports for Specific Citizens of the Republic of China OCT 15, 2024

An Open Letter to President Lai Ching-te (赖清德) and Speaker Han Kuo-yu (韩国瑜) On Cross-Strait Peace and Passports for Specific Citizens of the Republic of China 

OCT 15, 2024

By  XU Wenli (徐文立)

【Editor’s Note: "Abandoned citizens" refers to the subjects or citizens of a former regime who remain in their original location after a change in government or the collapse of a state. These individuals typically either could not or chose not to follow the new regime, continuing to live under the previous social order.  These individuals may have lost social security, rights, or status due to political reasons, becoming marginalized, excluded, ignored, or even imprisoned in a new regime.  "Abandoned citizens" can describe those abandoned and unprotected by regimes or power structures to which they belong, reflecting their helplessness and forgotten status in a changed society. When the Republic of China relocated to Taiwan in 1949, only some citizens followed the government there. Mainland Chinese born before October 1, 1949, are legally citizens of the Republic of China. They were abandoned and left on the mainland by the ROC, thus belonging to this specific group of "abandoned citizens." The youngest ones are 75 years old. Most of them are now over their eighties.  They should not be the abandoned citizens of the Republic of China. The Republic of China should open its arms to embrace them.】

An Open Letter to President Lai Ching-te (赖清德) and Speaker Han Kuo-yu (韩国瑜)

—On Cross-Strait Peace and Passports for Specific Citizens of the Republic of China—

(October 15, Year 113 of the Republic; October 15, 2024)


Mr. Lai Ching-te, President of the Republic of China

Mr. Han Kuo-yu, President of the Legislative Yuan of the Republic of China

Ladies and gentlemen, members of the Legislative Yuan of the Republic of China

The content of my open letter is as follows:

Passport Application Agency for Specific Citizens of the Republic of China


Specific Citizens of the Republic of China

(People born before October 1, Year 38 of the Republic; October 1, 1949)

Passport Application Agency

On Saturday, October 5, 2024, President Lai Ching-te of the Republic of China stated in his speech at the National Day Gala held in Taipei that the People's Republic of China had just celebrated its 75th anniversary on October 1, and in a few days, the Republic of China will celebrate its 113th anniversary.

"Therefore, in terms of age, the People's Republic of China absolutely cannot be the motherland of the people of the Republic of China; instead, the Republic of China may be the motherland of people over 75 years old in the People's Republic of China," remarked Lai Ching-te.

In response to President Lai Ching-te's insightful remarks, a proposal has been formed for nearly ten million people born before October 1, 1949, who identify with the "Republic of China" and reside in Taiwan, the mainland, and overseas to apply for passports for specific citizens of the Republic of China. This proposal can be submitted to the Legislative Yuan of the Republic of China for deliberation and approval.

In modern practice, for example, in the United States, the Immigration Bureau approves, and the Postal Service facilitates passport issuance; in Germany, private companies act as agents for visa matters.

As a U.S. citizen (born on July 9, 1943, in Anfu, Jiangxi, China; originally the family from Anqing, Anhui), a retired senior research fellow at Brown University, and a scholar and the author of On the Normal Order of Human Society (《人类正常社会秩序论》) who was welcomed by two U.S. presidents to settle in the United States from mainland China, I am willing to serve as the chairman of the "Passport Application Agency for Specific Citizens of the Republic of China," which is being prepared.

Please review and approve this request.


Xu Wenli (徐文立)

Contact Email:

Drafted on October 6, Year 113 of the Republic; October 6, 2024

Passport Application Agency for Specific Citizens of the Republic of China


Specific Citizens of the Republic of China

(People born before October 1, Year 38 of the Republic; October 1, 1949)

Passport Application Agency

Implementation Steps and Details


Once the Legislative Yuan of the Republic of China approves and grants the "Passports for Specific Citizens of the Republic of China" to nearly ten million people born before October 1, 1949, who identify with the "Republic of China," the urgently needed "Implementation Steps and Details" are roughly as follows:

The Legislative Yuan of the Republic of China will inform the mainland authorities to obtain their understanding.

The Legislative Yuan of the Republic of China will review and approve the "Passport Application Agency for Specific Citizens of the Republic of China" as the sole legitimate agency for processing applications for these passports.

Applicants for the "Passport for Specific Citizens of the Republic of China" must possess:

(A) Data recognized by the "Passport Application Agency for Specific Citizens of the Republic of China," which can be filed with relevant departments of the Legislative Yuan and administrative agencies, including "facial recognition," "birth certificates (such as legal birth certificates, birth proofs, or household registration proofs)," and identification documents like "current valid passports, driver's licenses, personal ID cards."

(B) Acceptance of all electronic application procedures, processed on a first-come, first-served basis; re-applicants must rejoin the queue from the beginning. In principle, our company handles 50 cases daily (closed on Sundays). Applicants who are rejected may appeal and await a response; including re-appeals, the total number of appeals shall not exceed two.

(C) Those who obtain the "Passport for Specific Citizens of the Republic of China" enjoy equal visa-free access to countries as currently possessed by holders of the "Republic of China Passport."

(D) Those who obtain the "Passport for Specific Citizens of the Republic of China" have the right to electronically vote in the "Republic of China's general elections and various civic elections."

(E) Those who obtain the "Passport for Specific Citizens of the Republic of China" have the right to apply to the "Immigration Bureau of the Republic of China" for permission to enter Taiwan or even settle there; given the large number of applicants from the mainland and overseas, patience is required while awaiting approval.

(F) Those who obtain the "Passport for Specific Citizens of the Republic of China" do not automatically enjoy the current medical insurance benefits of the "Republic of China"; arrangements need to be made separately by the government and the Legislative Yuan of the Republic of China.


Xu Wenli (徐文立)

Drafted on October 6, Year 113 of the Republic; October 6, 2024

(仁智 翻譯)

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與中共「兩會」同步的偽氏會議必然如此!不信 上帝,勢必如此!

徐文立夫婦 寒舍度春秋