紀念「六四慘案」三十三週年在波士頓的活動「維園燭光 世界延續」


Boston Vigil for the Tiananmen Massacre
Date: June 3rd, 8:00pm
Location: Boston Chinatown Tiananmen Monument
Candles will be provided at the event.

維園燭光 世界延續
Candlelight of Victoria Park Lives on around the World
Ever since 1990, candlelight had always lit up Victoria Park on June 4. After the transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong in 1997, this sea of light continued to glow even in the face of the totalitarian regime of the Chinese Community Party. Then came voices from groups concerned with local awareness, asserting that “demanding vindication of the June 4 Massacre on behalf of the Chinese people was irrelevant to Hong Kong”. However, let’s not forget that both the conventional June 4 memorials and the new generations’ assemblies on June 4 stand for the demand for democracy, freedom and human rights.
In 2019, the Hong Kong government prompted a huge surge in the attendance of the June 4 vigil when it tried to push the passage of the extradition bill. The vigil also gained a new meaning as a result. In 2020, the mass vigil was banned by the Hong Kong government citing COVID restrictions on gatherings. Hongkongers had their candlelight “blossom everywhere” in defiance. Last year, withstanding the suppressive Hong Kong National Security Law and the Hong Kong police, many Hongkongers still lit candles outside of Victoria Park to commemorate the anniversary. Unfortunately, with the Hong Kong Alliance and the Civil Human Rights Front disbanded, and activists become political prisoners, the annual vigil in Victoria Park seems unlikely. For those of us living in the free world, whether we want to vindicate June 4, or “reclaim Hong Kong”, we must keep the flame alive in our pursuit of democracy, freedom and human rights.
See you all on June 3 at 8 pm at the Boston Chinatown Tiananmen Monument.




毕汝谐 ——一位长期被埋没的华人天才作家//徐文立按
