徐文立: 灯塔沒有熄灭,至暗即將過去












【CPAC精選 中文字幕】蓬佩奧豁出去了











2019年【字幕版】74屆聯大川普演講: 我們也在認真觀察香港局勢.. 各國所面臨最嚴峻挑戰是社會主義幽靈




高玉秋 : 徐文立:川普總統才是當下全球反共主帥 2020-08-01 17:28:38 


作者: 樊弓 “很高興你支持川普。不過川普好像並不反共” 2020-08-01 21:16:49 

川普是個商人,沒有跡象顯示他有特定的意識形態。 顯然並不反共。


對川普來說,反共是中國人的事情,跟他沒關系。 他根本沒有小布什輸出民主的任何意願。


作者: 徐文立 “我以2017、2019年川普聯大演講為依據,您不會沒有看過吧?” 2020-08-02 00:37:23






'Yung Li' via 國民通訊 <guomintongxun@googlegroups.com> 于2021年3月2日周二 下午12:53写道:









中共得天下肆虐中国,明的是得苏联的鼎立支持,暗的是得杜鲁门行政当局由于对中国问题的无知以及对后果的无识而在无意中协助。而且美国对中共的帮助更具实质意义和作用,其源头是美国白左代表人物马歇尔、四约翰(约翰·戴维斯、约翰·文森特、约翰·塞维斯、约翰·费正清)、欧文翰·拉铁摩尔等人对美国对华政策的极大影响,帮助了中共席卷大陆。不过我现在对这个认知有了改变,当时并非是美国对华政策的错误,而是美国有意为之。当时的美国行政当局是倾向社会主义的民主党。我举两例,一是罗斯福拒绝了丘吉尔借西方自由世界的战后优势一举解决苏联的要求,二是韩战期间麦克阿瑟将军有意消灭北韩金正日政权,并且把战火烧过中朝边境鸭绿江,杜鲁门立刻将他撤职。根据我的研究,共产主义与社会主义本是同源,属于孪生兄弟。中共得天下,得美国民主党行政当局的策应。中共守天下,仍然得到美国民主党行政当局的保驾护航。根据这个认知,只要白宫的主人是民主党人,中共就不会倒台。 无论是出于民主党领导层软弱的原因,还是出于共同的社会主义观点,结果都是一样的。


























Beacon of Democracy Went Out, Darkness Has Come  


I must admit that I am not a victim of this regime, I am only a maverick who is an opponent of this regime.


I am not going to review the countless crimes of the Chinese Communist regime since its establishment. What I have always been concerned about is how to change China's political status quo finally. It affects all of us, one way or another. And if it doesn’t yet, it soon will.


Let me focus on the real facts and look forward to the future. 


We must be aware that the CCP is extremely vicious. Our struggle with the CCP is a battle between man and beast, and it is a battle between mortals on the one side (ours), Satan and demons on the other. I do not use these images lightly. The stakes are high and the evil forces are real. In this game, we have no chance of winning if we are to continue as we have done to date. The reality is, that the United States helped the CCP to reign supreme in China, its power evermore unchecked. It grew into a behemoth. Its citizens are now completely controlled, physically and mentally. Their every action is monitored, their privacy gone. Their individual worth is constantly and intimately assessed by social credit monitoring - a form of psychological torture. The United States failed to contain the CCP’s evil growth in time. The US had delusions that via free trade, and by welcoming researchers and students, China would grow into a liberal democracy. The great irony is that, instead, the US may turn into a Chinese-Communist-controlled-state. 


The original facilitators were the American socialist-inclined or even pro-communist figures, such as George Marshall, the Four Johns (John Davis, John Vincent, John Service, John Fairbank – the so-called “China Hands”), and Owen Lattimore. These deluded types who with their high IQs and mastery of the Chinese language thought they understood the complexities of China, founded the doomed China policies of the United States.  The opportunities which the China Hands and their cohort created, all helped contribute to the CCP's ability to sweep its power across mainland China. The CCP dominated China and ruled harshly for over seven decades. Every aspect – from its one-child policy and forced abortions, to its overall suppression of dissent, encouragement of informants, imprisonment of dissenters and general denial of opportunity to those on the outer of the Party... to its more recent horrors such as the gunning down of pro-democracy students in Tiananmen Square, its crackdown on House Christians, detention of Uyghurs, organ-harvesting of Falun Gong – these are all breath-takingly ghastly features of a regime ‘drunk’ on unchecked power.


According to my study, communism and socialism are of the same ideological origin - they are ‘twin brothers’. The CCP has been able to rule China with unbridled control, thanks initially to the support of the Truman administration. And now we face the danger that a massively strengthened CCP could stay in power if there are successive Democrat administrations. The only conclusion one can draw from an analysis of history is that if the occupant of the White House is a Democrat, the CCP will not fall.  Whether it is for reasons of weakness in the Democrat leadership, or a shared Socialistic outlook - the result is the same.


The biggest problem is that in the whole world few Westerners understand China, the nature of the CCP, and the true face and intentions behind the CCP’s mask. The West ignorantly helped the CCP to strengthen its state apparatus to suppress its own people and any political resistance. With the help of the United States and Western democracies, the CCP has more effectively used modern science and technology to govern and control the Chinese people through force, lies and deception.  Even the facial recognition technology came from the West.


The first driving force of China's political changes did not originate from the inside but from the outside. The world leaders, led by the United States, have been appeasing the evil CCP for a long time and staying in a state of drowsiness. This has allowed the CCP a free hand to accomplish its own malign agenda. The political changes in China depend on the awakening of the world, the awakening of the United States, and more directly changes in US-China relations, and the emergence of a US president who has the courage to fight against the CCP. I have long been waiting for the appearance of a figure who is someone like Reagan. In 2016, I went to New York to host a three-day conference and on October 4th, I requested a meeting with Mr. Stephen Orlins, Chairman of the National Committee on US-China Relations. He told me something about Trump.  


In the wake of the 2016 US presidential election, the world witnessed Donald Trump who is more businessman than a politician with no clear political ideals, but for all his faults, he has the great attribute of being the first US president to start fighting the CCP. He acknowledged and responded to the facts.  There was significant intellectual property being stolen from America, that there were CCP spies in America - both commercial and military, that manufacturing (and associated jobs) was collapsing in America as a result of Chinese subsuming of much of this market. His offensive moves targeting the CCP – from protective tariffs to raising public awareness, to putting in greater controls and having wrongdoers arrested, as well as procuring agreement on a stop on currency manipulation – could well have the effect of shaking the CCP. The cumulative effect of Trump’s measures could well offer China and its people the political opportunity to be liberated from the CCP's rule.  


The CCP regime capitalized upon modern technology and deployed its military strength domestically, to effectively enslave its citizens. Hoping for the Chinese people to change the formidable CCP regime is unrealistic. The level of monitoring and suppression makes it unlikely to be achievable, unless perhaps by military coup where all personnel agreed to do overthrow the government simultaneously. Only external forces could feasibly have a fatal and destructive effect on the regime. Once the emergence of political opportunities to change China became visible, the CCP leaders would be so aware of the grave danger of their own demise - they would not wait for their doom, for the survival of the regime, they fought to defend. 


The whole world witnessed the outbreak of the Wuhan coronavirus, which has swept the world, and which eventually changed the outcome of the 2020 US presidential election. Although millions of people around the world have lost their lives, the CCP successfully defend the regime to ensure they survive themselves.  The retribution would be immense, otherwise. They have made their own citizenry their enemy. And, illogically when one considers their own interests, they unnecessarily alienate countries abroad, too. They even had the gall to be indignant with Australia for instigating the most reasonable and sensible of requests – an investigation into the origin of the global pandemic!


I didn't have specific information on the source of the Wuhan coronavirus, but based on my common sense and judgment, from the beginning of the pandemic, I asserted it must be released from the Wuhan P4 Laboratory, and possibly for achieving another higher goal. The CCP may well have used an unlawful form of warfare to launch a mutant third world war, a biochemical war against the world. Not only that, but they seem to have achieved an initial victory. The world economy has stalled, and world leaders seem not so keen to trace the source of the epidemic and make claims for reparations. Beijing’s evil deeds are even more rampantly exposed as the beacon of democracy in the world has gone out.


However, Trump has not yet fully awakened. The entire West has not yet awakened. This can only be described as pathetic. 


What a frustration it is, to witness the notorious victory of hands joined between Beijing communism and US liberalism. And what is more, the whole world cowardly acknowledging and endorsing this despicable outcome, and no one among world leaders has the courage to question this blatant electoral fraud. Even when recently, Time Magazine had the audacity to run an oped admitting and even celebrating the multiple sly machinations which brought about the fall of Trump. “We didn’t rig the election, Time Magazine crowed triumphantly, “we fortified it”.


If people fail to have the courage to uphold justice and conscience today, tomorrow this evil will attack the whole world more brazenly.  


It makes sense to me to assume that the CCP will further encroach on Australia and the West, by repeating its success achieved in the United States.


Already, in recent years the CCP has ominously made its President the enduring party leader of the CCP, President of the PRC & Supreme Commander of the People’s Liberation Army. He cannot be challenged. History shows that this is a dangerous amount of power for any human to have. It has militarised reefs and islands in the waterways of our region where billions of dollars of our export wealth travels. It has poured scorn on international norms and judicial processes, weakening the entire international order.  It is gradually gaining favour, influence and control via debt-traps and ports in our region. This is mission creep of a sinister nature.  


In Australia, the CCP has commandeered strategic assets such as the Port of Darwin, and its state-owned entities have substantial interests in the ports of Newcastle and Melbourne too.  It has taken over a number of our essential services – our water and gas, our electricity grids, some of our key food supply sources - but fortunately not our 5G telecommunications, a platform enabling advanced monitoring. It has established Confucius institutes in our schools and universities – propaganda outfits which make students and even lecturers afraid to speak up or legitimately criticise. Drew Pavlou in Qld, was harassed for demonstrating in our free country, his support of democracy in Hong Kong. His is a more well-known case, but many cases of intimidation go unpublicised.


We know that there is improper influence is being exercised on our politicians – why would they otherwise not have insisted on reciprocity for ownership and acquisitions by now? ASIO revealed at least ten MPs were compromised.


The CCP has detained a number of Australians – Matthew Ng after his incarceration warned people to never do business with China. Cheng Lei also, the Australian newsreader. The Crown Casino employees. The list goes on.


China is not fit to be a world power if does not have high standards – this goes not only to products, services and contracts, but to: rule of law, acceptance of responsibility, a civilised desire for peace, and most important of all: TRUTH-TELLING.


China needs to demonstrate a genuine interest in world peace and flourishing, and respect for other countries’ sovereignty.


I would like to take this opportunity to convey to Prime Minister Morrison my serious concerns about the future of Australia. I am deeply disturbed about whether Australia can withstand a series of severe retaliations from the Beijing Red Dragon, when the US has already been extinguished as the light in the world's beacon of democracy. I am deeply worried whether Australia can have enough guts, wisdom, and strength to prevent the tragedy of the fall of the United States from repeating itself in Australia. Why wouldn’t China repeat the pattern? 


It is my sincere wish that the Morrison government would be vigilant and take precautions, and not be affected by the CCP's plots and stratagems in the next federal election which could otherwise change Australia's current political status quo. 


I would like to be able to trust more that an Australian government, which is willing to adopt sound conservative ideas, is better able to save Australia against being contaminated by the CCP. Otherwise, Australia will face the very real danger of being swallowed up by the CCP. Australia must not replicate, whether by apathy, negligence or compromise, the despicable results of the 2020 US presidential election. We must resist the combination of misguided liberalism and communism leading it into the abyss. Preventing Australia from being engulfed by this icy red tide is the key to Australia's happy future and destiny.


Australian citizens of Chinese descent reside across Australia in considerable numbers. Many consider that they have patriotic feelings towards former country of origin, but more accurately, a number of them are actually quite loyal to the CCP. In short, they are more likely to lean towards Beijing than Australia. How to get these Australian citizens of Chinese descent to recognize and embrace Australian values no doubt seems an intractable task for the Australian government. There is a well-known Chinese proverbsteeped in folklorethat when trees fall, monkeys scatter. This is a recognised phenomenon - and it also represents a state of mind. Speaking in general terms, this scenario represents the case for many Chinese in Australia. It can be assumed, with accuracy, that most Australians of Chinese descent belong to this category of person


Sadly, these types are simply geared for survivalThus, they sway with the wind and fall in the same direction as the wind. Others are more determined – they are active CCP collaborators.

There is a method of rescuing this awkward and potentially dangerous situationIf Australia standup, and sets itself on a straight path, refusing to bow to Beijing’s infiltration and manipulation, these vacillators will stand firmly on Australia’s side. But if Australia shows weakness, they will kowtow to the CCP. Australia must be strong and unflinching. Australia must know what it stands for, what it wants out of the relationship, what is not open to compromise - and be unyielding on all these key fronts. This is the only path to retaining sovereignty. This approach will resist threats from the outside force (of the CCP) and also sabotage from within, by both the nervous vacillators and the determined CCP collaborators.


The Australian people should be fully aware of this highly possible future detrimental political evolution. At very least, Australia should be aware of danger, even in the present time of peace. Get ready before it is too late, preparedness averts perils. If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail.


We must decouple from China.

We must eradicate the propaganda outfits from our education institutions.

We must stop any acquisition or ownership where such rights are not reciprocated and where it is not in our national interest.

We must claw back some of our manufacturing.

We must diversify our markets - to source goods from elsewhere and reduce our dependency on that one country.

We must take back our ports.

We must take back ownership of our essential services.

We must secure our internet.

We must ensure our intelligence agencies are across all risks to our national sovereignty – whether via cyber, public health, over-reaching ownership, regional BRI strategic encroachment – or any others. And that practical measures are being taken, by our leaders in the Parliament, the military, in commerce, and in society.


We do not have the luxury anymore of thinking that the CCP tentacles we are witnessing elsewhere, will not try to choke us too.


It is high time now, to act. To save our country. We can do it – we must do it.




與中共「兩會」同步的偽氏會議必然如此!不信 上帝,勢必如此!
